Immediate Denture

When Is An Immediate Denture Used?

To avoid the situation of being without teeth, your Denturist will implement the immediate denture technique. This involves taking impressions of your mouth while your natural teeth are still present. Your Denturist is then able to fabricate a denture in the likeness of your natural teeth, or make any necessary modifications you may wish.

When your natural teeth are extracted, your immediate denture is then inserted. With this technique, you have avoided having to go without any teeth while you go through the healing process.

Things You Should Know About Immediate Dentures

Since your Denturist is unable to try-in the denture prior to extracting your teeth, certain esthetic compromises may be necessary. This doesn’t present any significant problems, and the results are normally quite good.

It is important to follow the postoperative instructions of your Denturist or oral surgeon very carefully.

While You Heal:

As healing occurs, the oral tissues recede so denture adjustments may be required. Follow-up appointments with your Denturist are necessary. To maintain the best fit and comfort, a temporary liner or tissue conditioner may be placed in the denture. During the next few months, bone and gum tissue will probably continue to shrink to some degree; however, the rate of change decreases with time.This a natural occurrence, which is to be expected. As the healing process is complete, either a new permanent full denture(s) will be made or your denture(s) will be relined or rebased to ensure the most comfortable fit possible.